Hi Guys,
Well my plans of airbrushing went to the void again this weekend. It was just too damn cold on the weekend and it looked like it was going to rain so I didn’t want to deal with the humidity as well. So I just whacked on some DVDs and sat down to build some kits while being all rugged up and hanging out with my cats. The painting had to wait again.
I finished off another razorback/rhino conversion (pictures to follow another day) that I wish I did for all my other razorbacks. A few cross beams inside the hull made from spare sprue, a few drilled holes and some strategically placed magnets and I have given myself some more options. Oh well, the benefits of hindsight huh?
Anyway, before I place another order off for some more toys before the impending GW Price rise hits I thought I would start working on my Landraider. I want to be able to use it (and all my land raiders) is a number of configurations. I purchased the Landraider Crusader/Redeemer kit some time ago and the extra Crusader/Redeemer sprue off the GW Site. I also purchased a Crimson Fist Forgeworld door set and the Forgeworld extra armour kit for this beast to fully pimp it out.
Now, I wanted to be able to swap between the redeemer and the crusader and I also wanted to be able to mount the side sponsons in different locations. Personally I love the looks of the sponson mounts to be at the rear but that is plain dumb with the flamestorm cannons since it would barely be able to shoot past its hull and need to be mounted to the front. Anway, without further ado… here is my progress so far.
I decided to place some plasticard in between the two side hull sections to be able to mount the magnets in the centre of each sponson mount. To give this piece the most amount of strength and physical contact to glue; I opted for a single large piece of plasticard with a few little nicks in the top and bottom to allow the small lugs on the kit for the normal inner doors.
Once this piece was glued to the inner side hull I glued the outer hull on and kept it all together with a ton of rubber bands.
Now, the only thing I didn’t really plan on was the distance between the hull magnets (if they are placed on the inside of the plasticard plate) and the sponson magnets. I don’t think there will be enough pull if the magnets are on the inside by the time the extra armour is placed on the hull and the magnet on the sponson. Oh well… I will see how I go; but I decided to place the magnets on the outer side of the plasticard. If they manage to come loose I will have to greenstuff them in a bit better but I have yet to have problems with the superglue giving out.
After the glue set for the magnets I placed on the tracks and the rear engine block and called it a night. I am hoping to attack it again today after work and will start working on the Forgeworld extra armour kit. Unfortunately, mine is pretty warped and will need some work to fit properly and I can’t seem to fit the sponsons through the openings either at this point when I was working on a bit last night. I think a fair bit of shaving on the inside may need to happen, but I am hoping I can make it work a bit better once they have been reshaped a bit from some hot water.
I will keep you posted.
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